Take your German to the next level!
If you have started learning German and like to continue improving it, this course is perfect for you. Here you will learn all grammar you need for the A2 level.
This course also includes one video which will show and prepare you for the speaking and writing part of the A2 German language certification.
The covered subjects are:
- Adjektivdeklination - Akkusativ
- Dativ - Demonstrativpronomen
- Futur I - Genitiv
- indirekte Fragen - Komparativ
- Konditionalsätze - Konjunktiv II
- das Verb "lassen" - Modalverben im Präteritum
- n-Deklination - Possessivartikel
- Präpositionaladverb - Präteritum
- Pronomen - reflexive Verben
- Relativpronomen - Satzstellung mit Akkusativ und Dativ
- Subjunktionen - Verben mit Präpositionalobjekt
- Vorgangspassiv - Wechselpräpositionen
- Wortbildung - Zeitadverbien
- interesting facts about the German culture
- Preparation for the writing and speaking part of the A2 German language exam
If you are not familiar with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; here is a brief overview:
A1 - Complete beginner
A2 - Elementary
B1 - Intermediate
B2 - Upper intermediate
C1 - Advanced
C2 - Proficient