株式会社 Tekuru(テクル)は、 クラウドサービスの活用支援やプログラミング教育を行っています。
Google が提供するサービス「G Suite」や、Salesforce といったクラウドサービスの導入・活用支援でたくさんの実績があります。
Tekuru は「すべての学びを楽しく!」をビジョンとして事業を行っています。
G Suite 活用コンテスト 2019 特別賞受賞
G Suite 活用コンテスト 2017 日本一
Professional for the cloud services
Tekuru Ink is a company that helps other companies use cloud services and teaches programming. We have helped a lot of companies use G Suite, provided by Google, and Salesforce.
Tekuru is derived from the hope that everyone can enjoy in using technology so that they call using technology "TEKURU" in Japanese. Thus, our vision is to make all education enjoyable.
Even though you haven't touched a computer ever or you have a negative feeling to IT such as "IT must be too difficult," we provide you a wonderful and enjoyable education which improves your skills so that you will use the latest technology.
G Suite Applying Contest
Got 1st prize in 2017
Got special prize in 2019