- 決断のとき(「青の洞窟」でのエピソード)
- 存在感をアップするコミュニケーション術
- 自信をつけるための前向きな思考法
- 「できないかもしれない」と不安になったときの対処法
- 雑談が得意になる方法
- 自分のビジネスを魅力的にプレゼンする方法
- ビジネスに効くコミュニケーション術
- 自分のメッセージをしっかりと伝える方法
- 効果的に映像を活用する方法
- ファンを獲得する方法
英語圏のビジネスパーソン向けに制作されたこのコースでは、英語でのビジネスコミュニケーションのどんな場面でも自信を持ってふるまえるコツをお伝えします。講師は、アメリカのTV番組を中心に活躍した元女優であり、SONYなどグローバル企業のコミュニケーションコーチでもあるAlexa Fisher。丁寧に、時に豪快に、「1000ワットの光を放つ」ためのコミュニケーション術を伝授します。
Have you been secretly longing to achieve more in life? To many, you seem content and successful, but inwardly you know you have not yet stepped into your full potential. And the realization hurts.
Maybe you never asked for that well-deserved raise. Or you avoided presenting to a room full of influencers. You stayed “behind-the-scenes". Totally competent, but utterly invisible.
But there is this whisper in your ear, begging you to speak up. You long to jump out of your comfort zone. And your message? You know you have one – yet something holds you back from going big, from shining as brightly as you could. What. Is. It.?!?!?
The answer is - it's different for everyone. And the good news is, it's not that hard to find that box, open it up, and let the butterflies out.
Because what do you have to gain? Is it fame? Fortune? More professional recognition? Yes, all of that is true…but what you really get, and this is what's priceless, is the gift that comes with expressing your truest self, in the most effective, contagious way possible. To as many people as possible. It is the gift to you, but it's also the gift to us. Yes, us. You playing small, as the great Marianne Williamson has said, doesn't do us any favors.
Hi, I'm Alexa.
I spent most of my career as a television actress until the moment came when I knew that life on a TV show set was never going to fulfill my desire to help others. The craft of acting is about interpreting human behavior. Studying what makes a person tick. Understanding the obstacles they face to get what they want. I loved acting, but it pained me to see the impact the entertainment industry was having on the average person. I watched countless people tear themselves down while comparing themselves to air-brushed celebrities. I knew it was time for me to step into the unknown and teach.
Here's the truth:
Actors are just like you and me. In fact, each person on this planet was born to shine. You came into this world with a passion and a purpose. You may not know what that is yet, but you know in your gut it's time for a change. Imagine what your bravest self can achieve:
- You have the courage to ask for what you want.
- You have the tenacity to not give up.
- You walk into a room with confidence and calm.
- You express yourself effortlessly.
- You command the attention of an audience.
- You achieve deeper authenticity and honesty.
- You use ALL your existing skills, but better.
- You create new and inventive ways to share your business.
- You start making your own opportunities happen.
- You step in front of the camera with ease.
- You stop the negative chatter in your head once and for all.
When you overcome your fears and doubts, you harness your personal power. When you connect to your purpose, you ignite your passion. When you build your confidence, you move in the direction of your destiny.
Quite simply, when you light up, the world takes notice and opportunities come to you… effortlessly.
But first – the most important aspect to this process – is your willingness to start. Are you ready? Are you ready to step out of the shade and into the warm sun – and feel the difference in every single aspect of your life?
I'm ready. I'm ready for you to do it. And I believe you can do it. You do not need to go at it alone. Let's start now. Together.
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Alexa Fischer
Speaker, confidence coach and entrepreneur
As a speaker and coach, I’ve worked with CEOs and everyday people, small nonprofits and complex global corporations … and do you know what they all have in common? Invariably, their greatest untapped resource is their own light.
My expertise – my mission – centers on how to access that light practically and daily, and how to create real change from within – whether for an individual, a team, or an organization. How did I come to specialize in this pursuit to ignite what I call “All 1000 Watts” of the power that lies within people? Here’s a bit of my own story...
In years past, you might have seen me on the TV shows NCIS, Lie To Me, Numb3rs and Bones, or one of about a million television commercials. While studying at the Yale School of Drama, and as a professional actress, I met hundreds of individuals who felt “held back.” I saw that well-known movers in the industry and fledgling actors alike shared a common struggle to make their deepest goals tangible, and to overcome internal barriers to living at and working at full wattage. Speaking boldly on camera is one thing; speaking your truth in your daily reality is entirely another. I discovered I had an unmistakable ability to help people tap into their own brilliant light and manifest real change.
So for the last five years, I’ve dedicated myself to doing just that.
I teach executives, teams, and companies of all sizes how to connect more fully to themselves and each other. From Trader Joe’s and SONY, to Dress For Success and the National Charity League, to an appearance on The Today Show – I’ve empowered thousands of individuals and teams to land new clients, focus their vision and articulate their goals, engage more meaningfully with customers, and communicate better with each other. Our work together sometimes involves the intangible, but the outcomes are staggeringly tangible.
At the heart of it, I help people see their greatness. Through coaching, plus a powerful experience I created called Wishbeads™, I help them unearth the thing they’ve always wanted to do – the highest goal they can dream – and then find the courage and means to actually start. I crystalize why they want it, who they are meant to serve and how to articulate it clearly. With that, they light up and the world takes notice.
If you’re ready to connect – with your deepest purpose, with those you serve alongside, with more clients, more customers, more friends – I’m ready to help.
Stay connected and get free weekly video tips and inspiration at my website!