1968年東京生まれ。早稲田大学卒業後 渡米。帰国後、個別指導塾「クレアアカデミー」を設立。できなくなりかけたところからやり直せる「数学ビル」、大きな幹から徐々に枝へ向かって学んでいく「マッピング日本史」、作家のような描写力のある作文が書けるようになる「作家に変身の作文」などの専門講座を開発する。
Born and raised in Tokyo, he is currently the President of Crea Academy, which he established in 2003 after graduating from Waseda University’s Creative Writing course. It is a cram school aimed at mainly primary to high school students. Instructors at his school use creative study tools such as "Math Buildings" and "Japanese History Maps" to help their students succeed. Junichi is also an artist, belonging to the Tabro Fine Art Club of Japan.